Company can’t use Chinese version of MJ’s name | Two youths charged with arson in Tennessee wildfire | 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor attack | Dozens killed in plane crash in Pakistan | Death toll surpasses 100 in Indonesia earthquake | Trump is Time’s ‘Person of the Year’ | Michigan recount won’t continue | White House condemns Duterte in wake of Trump comments | Fossil fuel ally chosen to head up EPA | Iowa governor picked to be ambassador to China | John Kelly selected for homeland security | Former WWE CEO gets Small Business Administration job | Recovery efforts end at Oakland warehouse | Dylann Roof trial begins | Assange gives his side of sexual assault accusation | Stock market soars | Ellison would give up congressional seat if he wins DNC race | Biden no longer keen on running in 2020? | Italian PM resigns | Impeachment vote for South Korean president | New leader of New Zealand | New Zealand changing uncouth names of geographical features | Walmart will invest more than $1 billion in Mexico | Starbucks will build up 12,000 more locations | Fireball in a box | Pandora Premium will compete with Spotify | Pebble shutting down | New ‘Harry Potter’ tops Amazon’s 2016 best-seller list | Kim to divorce Kanye? | John Glenn in the hospital | Oregon hires Taggart | McCaffrey going to the NFL | Cubs trade for Royals closer | White Sox deal Eaton to Nationals for top pitching prospect | Yankees land fireballing Chapman | Sneaky Brits steal from department store