Boy completes record-setting Alcatraz swim | Wife of Orlando shooter being investigated | Obama slams Trump, proposes changes | Paul Ryan not onboard with Muslim ban | Hillary wins final primary of 2016 | Bernie’s wishlist | Hillary up 12 points in new polls | Russian hackers infiltrate DNC | Court says internet is a utility | Judge from Stanford trial removed from new sexual assault case | Alien meteorite found in Sweden | Dolphins being removed from Baltimore aquarium | New Xbox console | Twitter’s investment in SoundCloud | Self-retweeting now a reality | Undeletable iPhone apps losing immunity | Amazon fined over ‘liquid fire’ package leak | Facebook inverts Filipino flag | Zuck breaks arm in bike accident | NYC Macy’s strike | Senate passes defense bill | Kansas defying White House order over transgender bathroom use | North Dakota says no to corporations owning farms | Five homeless people dead in suspected arson in LA | Gator takes boy at Disney hotel | Teaser for ‘Moana’ | Lil Wayne had too much ‘lean’ | Designs for Olympic medals released | Iceland ties Portugal in first major game | Russia fined over fan violence | Las Vegas getting the next NHL team | Zlatan going to Man U | Gawker threatened over Trump hair story | Tokyo’s governor resigns over misuse of funds | Customize your Fender | ‘Curb’ is coming back